BUS330 Marketing and Youth-Oriented Consumer Economies Essay

BUS330 Marketing and Youth-Oriented Consumer Economies Essay

China and India have demonstrated trends toward Western-style consumption over the last decade. Given the emphasis on the youth market in the US over the last 60 years (since the baby boom), what can you suggest for marketers in these youth-oriented consumer economies (China and India)?  Guided Response:  Describe the products (goods and services) that interest these youth markets.  Compare and contrast the micro- and macro-environmental forces that can influence the marketing strategies for these products (goods and services).  Analyze the marketing strategies of these two countries and compare them with Western-based consumption marketers (e.g., US).  What opportunity for U.S. companies might you foresee? Support your reasoning. This assignment is designed to assess your critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. Your paper will be graded for its clarity, relevance, coherence, logic, and depth.  Your paper must be two to three pages in length (not including a cover page and reference page), and be formatted in APA style. Your paper must demonstrate that you understand international influence and micro-environmental and macro-environmental influences on marketing strategy. You must use your text and at least two additional scholarly sources.

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The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) claims that the $3.8 Billion dollar Boston Harbor Cleanup has been a great success. a.) Please present evidence (data for a specific parameter) that water quality is better in Boston Harbor than it was 20 years ago? Explain why this data supports your claim that water quality is better now.(5 points)

The bar graphs compare the bacteria count in wet weather from the year 1989 to the year 2007 thus showing that there is a significant reduction in the bacteria count for the region while the map shows the bacteria count within the region. The general decrease of the bacteria count within the region for the given time shows that quality of water within the region has increased.

b.) What can you do to make the water quality (with respect to this parameter) even better? Extend the data given above into the future. How clean can Boston Harbor water become (with respect to your measurement)? Please be specific.(5 points)

In order to increase the water quality with respect to the parameter, the best thing to do is to increase the amount of time that the plant operates and its efficiency thus translating in a better output coinciding with an increase in the quality of water. Name ________________________ 2.)Water Cycle  a.) If the Quabbin Reservoir Watershed is 100 km2, the average precipitation in New England is 130 cm/year, and the volume of the Reservoir is 1.5 x 1012 liters, what is the residence time of water in the Reservoir? Please show your calculation and explain all your assumptions. (5 points) The residence time is given by first finding the volumetric flow rate which is given by

b.) Name 5 contaminants that could make water undrinkable. Why is water containing these contaminants undrinkable (i.e. how does the contaminant affect you)? How can we remove each of these contaminants (there are possibly different methods for each contaminant) to make the water drinkable? Please be specific. (5 points)

· The contaminants are:- living organism found in water

· Factory effluents discharged in water

· Deposits from soil erosion in to a water body

· Chemical salts from rocks

· Defecation by animals in to the water bodies

BUS330 Marketing and Youth-Oriented Consumer Economies Essay

The contaminants can be removed through common water purification for example; chemical salts can be removed by desalination, living organisms such as bacteria one has to boil the water then filter it. For factory effluents, the best solution is to pass the water through a purification plant. In the case of feces from animals, one just purifies the water through filtering and boiling it. 3.)Ecosystems a.) Design an ecosystem in a glass container 12” x 12” x 12”. (Just describe it and draw it, you don’t have to build it. No shrimp please!) This is a closed system…no gas, liquid, or solid can enter or leave. Light can enter and heat can be transferred through the glass. You can add anything you want before you seal it. Describe what biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components are needed to make this a sustainable ecosystem. What does it mean to be sustainable? (7 points)

The ecosystem comprises of plants and soil organisms such as earth worms. The plants are mainly ferns. Therefore the biotic things are the ferns, the earthworm, while the abiotic is the soil, the air present, and the little rocks (Kates et.al,2001).

b.) Describe the flow of a single carbon atom in the ecosystem you have created. How long might the carbon atom reside in each reservoir in your cycle? (3 points) A carbon atom in form of Carbon dioxide will first be a result of the respiration of the earthworm, and then the fern will use it in during photosynthesis to produce glucose and any other form of food. 4.) Photosynthesis A diatom is type of marine phytoplankton. a.) Describe three adaptations that a diatom has to survive in the ocean. (6 points)

· They have an abundant amount of chloroplasts within their cells thus enabling them to be very efficient in terms of photosynthesis

· They have a glassy cell wall made up of silica thus aiding in controlling osmosis between marine water and their bodies

· They also store energy in terms of oils thus reducing their tendency to loose water through photosynthesis b.) What limits its growth in the spring? Explain your reasoning. (4 points)

Increase in temperature as well as sunlight limits the silica from developing thus resulting in the organisms having little glassy cell wall thus reducing its probability to survive. 5.) Carbon Cycling

a.) Explain the variations of carbon dioxide over time. (6 points) The variations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are as a result of increase in human activities that result in the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Approximately one thousand years ago, the amount of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere was quite low because only animals were the main producers of the carbon (Kates et.al,2001). During certain seasons when photosynthetic activities are highest such as the spring up in the western hemisphere then the carbon dioxide levels may vary .Recently, the increased industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels also affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

b.) b.) Where does the excess atmospheric carbon dioxide go (6.0 gigatons of C per year enters the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels; yet atmospheric concentrations only increase by 3.2 gigatons of C per year)? (4 points)

The excess carbon dioxide is usually taken up by the photosynthetic plants and stored in terms of building blocks that make it easier for living organisms to survive.