Strategic Management and Marketing for Health Professionals – BUSI 528

Get Strategic Management and Marketing for Health Professionals – BUSI 528 essay help.Measurable Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Integrate a biblical worldview within the context of the healthcare manager’s role in strategic planning and marketing.
  2. Analyze the steps (environmental assessment, formulation, implementation, and control) associated with strategic planning in healthcare, observing industry-specific challenges.
  3. Evaluate the strategic marketing of healthcare products and services, observing industry-specific challenges.
  4. Assess strategic planning and marketing in healthcare based upon knowledge of current literature and industry best practices.

Course Assignment

Strategic Management and Marketing for Health Professionals – BUSI 528 Essay Help

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After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be at least 500 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and include at least 2 peer-reviewed sources in current edition APA format (and in addition to the course textbook) and 1 instance of biblical integration. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 450 words and include at least 2 peer-reviewed sources in current edition APA format (and in addition to the course textbook) and 1 instance of biblical integration.

The student will write a paper of at least 500 words and in the current edition APA format that provides a brief overview of strategic marketing based on a provided scenario. The paper must include at least 2 peer-reviewed references in addition to 1 instance of biblical integration.

The student will write a paper of at least 500 words and in the current edition APA format that focuses on the 4 P’s of Marketing. The paper must include at least 2 peer-reviewed references in addition to 1 instance of biblical integration.

The student will write a paper of at least 500 words and in the current edition APA format that focuses on segmenting a customer base for a service based on a provided scenario. The paper must include at least 2 peer-reviewed references in addition to 1 instance of biblical integration.

Topic and Reference Page

The student will submit a topic and reference page of at least 5 scholarly references in the current edition APA format.

Final Submission

The student will create a 7–10-minute sales team presentation that focuses on a chemical dependency program. The student must include a reference slide with at least 5 scholarly references in the current edition APA format.

The student will write a paper of at least 500 words and in the current edition APA format that focuses on the vertical integration options and directions for specified providers. The paper must include at least 2 peer-reviewed references in addition to 1 instance of biblical integration.

The student will write a paper of at least 500 words and in the current edition APA format that addresses the provided questions concerning a case study on the banning of advertising. The paper must include at least 2 peer-reviewed references in addition to 1 instance of biblical integration.